One Trait That Gets People Ahead Of The Game

Jump First, Then Learn How To Swim

A man jumping into the ocean from a cliff

Jump first, then learn how to swim. Created with Adobe Express

We all have friends we admire. Actually, I think I admire all my friends. I tend to establish strong bonds when I admire someone. 

But there’s this one woman that always has me in awe. Let’s call her Kat. Why you may ask?

A few months ago Kat’s mom passed away. As a single child, she was very close to her. To deal with grief, Kat made some social media posts telling the world about her mom, and what an amazing person her mom was. 

One of these posts got my attention. Kat talked about something her mother told her that described her so well. She talked about the reason behind her success. 

Apparently, her mom used to tell her: 

You always jump into the pool first and then ask how to swim.

Kat was talking about the next adventure she had chosen for herself that exemplified this to perfection. 

About Kat

Just like me, she has lived on three different continents. Moving constantly with different motivations. 

And every time she moved, she embarked on a new adventure that positioned her higher and higher on the corporate ladder. 

But the most particular thing about Kat was that, most often, she took high-paying jobs she was, on paper, “underqualified” for, and excelled!

When Kat moved to Australia, she took a position in advertising. She didn’t that she had just graduated with a degree in computer sciences, without a single course in advertising.

The job description looked appealing to her, so she applied. And she did so well, that a few months in, she was promoted, and then promoted again, and again. 

When she couldn’t be promoted anymore, Kat moved to another company. 

And when she got tired of living in Australia, she moved to Europe, then to Latin America, and now again to Europe.

Her LinkedIn profile is… breathtaking. And you should see her peer reviews. Everybody adores her and thinks she is a Unicorn. Every time she moves for good, they hold week-long farewell events just for her. 

How does Kat do it? 

Well, she has the best trait anyone can have, which I think she inherited from her mother.


Kat is confident that she can learn. She is confident that she will have the right tools. She is confident that she will bridge any gap. And that’s what she says in her interviews. 

Can it work for anyone?

Well, after reading her posts, I decided to put it to the test. 

I have talked about recently starting a new position that is perfect for me. However, I didn’t have all the qualifications when I started.

Yet, when I saw the ad, I applied Kat’s teachings and sent an application highlighting my strengths.

When they interviewed me and enquired about a requirement I didn’t meet I answered with confidence:

Have I ever done this particular process before? No. Am I intimidated by it? Not at all. I know I’m a fast learner, I have always been able to learn new things when required, so I’m confident. 

I had a job offer the next week. 

I applied my Kat's advice, and it worked. I jumped first, and then learned how to swim. 

Take home message…

Don’t let “lack of preparation” get in the way between your present life and the job or career that you want to achieve. 

There will be learning curves. Steep ones. 

But confidence and trust in the process is the best skill any employer should be looking for. Because those who have it will become the winners. 

If you see a job description you like, give it a go. Don’t reject yourself, let others do it if they think you can’t do it.

Are you ready for a leap of faith?


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