How I Never Run Out Of Writing Ideas

How I decide what to write

Two hands typing on an old typewriter

Created with Adobe Express

I just checked my list of writing ideas. I have 14 drafts on Medium, 4 drafts on my website blog, and 35 title prompts in my notes.

That surprised even me.

It is an understatement to say that I have more article ideas than time to write them, especially considering that I started these lists less than a month ago.

I like evaluating my behavior to find patterns and potential modifications to optimize my time and results. It’s almost an obsession.

So, i was thinking, how did I get to the point of having more ideas than time, when writers usually complain about the opposite?

Well, first and foremost, because I only write in my spare time. So an article a day is usually all I can handle.

Also, these articles will probably turn out to be short and concise. Just the way I like and can handle them. Yay ADHD!

But the reason I have so many drafts is because I keep track of everything.

I treat my readers like my best friends. If I conclude anything in life, I will tell my BFF. Why not tell you then? You may find it insightful too…

For example, if one day I find out about how and why I managed to find a good job so quickly, I will write my thoughts down on a note or draft, and later turn them into an article. Maybe one of my readers will benefit from my learning. Maybe not…

Did I drop the ball and take better care of my mental health? I don’t think I will never read enough about the topic. So I may as well join the conversation, and add my two cents.

So my content-planning strategy is not planning.

Instead, unless there’s something I feel the urge to share, I look at my list of ideas every time I have a chance to sit down.

I pick one and start writing whatever comes up, as if I were telling a friend. Then I review it a couple of times and I hit submit.

My writing won’t be perfect. But I don’t want it to be perfect.

I want my writing to be real and relatable.

I may have written this with just one hand, my non-dominant hand, because my toddler NEEDED my right boob ASAP… so appologies if there’s any typo…


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