Feeling valued again

And yes, validation may matter

Feeling Valued Again

Feeling Valued Again. Generated with Adobe Express

Dear Diary,

I have been absent for a few days. My mind was full.

I’ve been very excited and busy with a couple of new projects that I wanted to put my full attention to.

One is a personal project, that more or less is taking shape already. It makes me smile to see some results in such little time.

It makes me believe in myself and my ideas.

The other one was at work.

It was a bit of an accident. I just started creating something I needed and my peers enquired whether I could share it for a better good.

Everybody seems excited.

At my last job, my boss would yell at me if I did anything innovative. If I did something that looked like I cared. And I cared. A lot.

That left me feeling useless and insecure about my abilities and perceptions.

But this new gig is blowing my mind.

They are like the perfect lover. They love me just the way I am. With my quirks, and with my innovations.

Not that I haven’t kind of kicked the hornet’s nest a little bit. But it seems to be in a fairly good way.

My work is being useful and appreciated.

And I don’t necessarily need external validation, but having some from time to time helps. A lot. Especially if it comes from people you admire and care about.

So, yeah, I’m happy and exhausted at the same time.

But most importantly, I feel alive and happy to wake up and work on both my personal and professional projects every day.

And that’s amazing. I feel like my depression and anxiety are improving.



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