My Niche is the Complexity that Lives Inside My Brain

What’s a niche, anyway?

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The other day I was evaluating my posts so far.

At first, I thought they were all over the place.

From career advice to mental health to environmental conservation, motherhood, and life lessons.

I initially panicked a bit.

They say you should have a niche!

But then I remembered…

I was watching this YouTube video explaining how the aforementioned ALGORYTHM put content in front of a viewer based on its previously watched content.

I’ve used machine learning methods in my research, so I could understand the code behind it.

And then they said something along the lines:

Apparently, most viewers who enjoy such-and-such, also enjoy such-and-such.

This means that there are probably thousands of people out there who enjoy the same combination of topics you enjoy.

As hectic as you find yourself, there are probably multiple people out there with a similar combination of interests.

So, back to my question, what is my niche?

My niche is the complex and unique combination of interests and experiences that define me, and that probably define so many other people.

Is it a given that if you enjoy one of my articles, you will enjoy the next one?

I guess you can only answer the question by following and/or subscribing to my publications.

But you can be certain that following me will mean getting to know me as a person. The Goods, the Bads, and the Uglies.

What tickles me? What matters to me? How goofy I am (or I am not)?

And I’m looking forward to continuing to learn about the niche that lives within each of you!


You’re not bothering


Perfectionism vs. Sanity: Motherhood Edition