Non-Academic Career Paths after Obtaining a PhD

Career paths for PhD graduates

Career paths for PhD graduates. Created with Adobe Express

Congratulations on earning (or maybe being on the path of, or considering starting) your PhD!

Completing a PhD is a significant accomplishment, but what options do we have after graduation?

Unfortunately, in some fields, it feels like if you don’t land or pursue an academic career, you have failed.

Well, I’m here to tell you that this is not true (at all), and that I am living proof of this.

Today, people with PhDs have a diverse range of other exciting career opportunities beyond academia.

But what alternative career paths can we choose so that we leverage the skills, knowledge, and expertise gained during those long years?

Industry Research and Development:

Many industries actively seek graduates with advanced research and analytical skills.

Companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, engineering, technology, and consumer seek graduate students to lead research and development initiatives.

These roles involve designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, and contributing to innovation and product development.

Government and Public Policy:

Governments, think tanks, and public policy organizations often require experts who can provide evidence-based insights and analysis.

PhD graduates can contribute to shaping policies, conducting research on social issues, and making data-driven recommendations.

Opportunities exist in areas such as public health, environmental policy (this is what I’m doing at the moment), education, and economic development.

UPDATE November 2023: I recently took a government job that is just PERFECT for me.

Science Communication and Journalism:

Bridging the gap between academia and the public, science communication offers exciting avenues for PhD graduates passionate about sharing knowledge.

Careers in science journalism, writing, editing, or broadcasting allow for translating complex scientific concepts into accessible language for a broader audience.

Science communication can take the form of popular science books, science journalism, podcasts, video content, social media engagement, or writing here on Medium.


PhD graduates have acquired valuable problem-solving and analytical skills, making us highly sought-after consultants.

Consulting firms hire experts to provide specialized advice in various domains, including strategy, management, healthcare, technology, and data analysis.

Consultants often work on projects with clients from diverse industries, offering the opportunity to address complex challenges and provide evidence-based solutions.


PhD graduates with innovative ideas can leverage their expertise to launch their own ventures.

Startups that require specialized knowledge, such as biotech companies, innovative tech solutions, or social enterprises, can benefit greatly from our expertise from years of working in a very specialized subfield.

Entrepreneurship allows for autonomy, creativity, and the opportunity to make a direct impact in a chosen field.

Non-profit and NGO Sector:

Non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are dedicated to addressing societal issues and creating positive change.

PhD holders can contribute to these organizations by conducting research, developing programs, and leading advocacy efforts.

Areas such as global development, public health, environmental conservation, and social justice provide numerous opportunities to apply academic knowledge in meaningful ways.

For example, for my last job, I worked as a grant writer for an NGO dedicated to the conservation of the Amazon.

Those long hours writing grant proposals to support my fieldwork and research ended up paying off unexpectedly!

In a nutshell…

Obtaining a PhD opens up a wide array of career paths beyond academia.

Embracing non-academic opportunities may allow you to apply your research, analytical, and problem-solving skills in various industries and sectors.

From industry research and development to science communication, consulting, entrepreneurship, and non-profit work, PhD holders can make a significant impact and find fulfillment outside traditional university roles.

The key lies in recognizing and leveraging the transferable skills acquired during your unique academic path. And if you want to learn more about how to transfer some of these skills, download my free eBook here!


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